Facebook Groups for Exploring Members
The Mormon Hub - Closed Group
This is a forum for the discussion of Mormonism and Mormon-related issues. It operates as a separate entity under the Sunstone Foundation. Discussions in the group should reflect a desire by participants to maintain some connection (religious, familial, cultural, intellectual?) to the Mormon community, broadly defined. Discussions that are openly hostile to Mormonism and that focus exclusively on separation from the Mormon community are inappropriate. Similarly, discussions that are excessively zealous or evangelical in their support of the doctrines and practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are also inappropriate (in other words, this forum is not a place for “missionary work” on either side of the belief spectrum). Generally speaking, everything in between these two extremes is acceptable.
Mormon Child Abuse Support - Secret Group
This is a support group for survivors of Mormon Child Abuse created by the Mormon Child Abuse Awareness page.
Another Testament of Marriage - Secret Group
This is the main page for the ATM Facebook group. A secret group for believing LDS members who are struggling with a spouse’s crisis of faith.
Challenging Anti-Mormon Apologetics - Public Group
A group where the members discuss issues brought up by critics of Mormonism on Facebook. This is also a group where research done by LDS and other Christian scholars can be discussed.
Feminist Mormon Housewives Society - Closed Group
The FB fMh page exists as an auxiliary to the blog feministMormonhousewives.org, to provide a safe place for people to learn about and explore the issues of faith and feminism, to foster fellowship, and to discuss actions that will contribute to making the LDS Church a place where women feel respected, involved, and equal.
Feminist Mormon Singletons - Closed Group
Feminist Mormon Singletons is a safe place for singles ages 25-50 with connections to Mormon Feminism (and those respectful/supportive of such principles) to discuss their experiences and ideas about Mormonism, feminism and/or being single. This is not designed to be a dating site, but men are welcome and members are encouraged to befriend each other and build upon relationships outside of the group.
For the Strength of LGBTQ & SSA Youth - Secret Group
For ages 12-18. The group is moderated by a few parents and mental health providers to keep things safe. Some group members are former LDS, some are practicing LDS, and some have never been LDS. They don’t discuss religious issues unless it’s to talk through an issue at their church or in their family.
LDS Faith Transitions: Leading with Faith - Closed Group
Open discussion of the deeper issues of Mormonism while leading with faith.
MO 2.0 - Closed Group
Provides a community for open, respectful, and progressive discussion about LDS Church, doctrine, and culture. This is a place for those who are sympathetic to finding value in religion in general and Mormonism specifically, though we presuppose no level of involvement in the Church. We invite all to discuss any topic unflinchingly but also in a way that all feel safe sharing their ideas and perspectives. This group is intended for mature gospel discussion therefore as a rule members should be adults.
Mormon Research - Public Group
Mormonism Research Ministry is a missionary/apologetics organization that was organized to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to critically evaluate the differences between Mormonism and biblical Christianity.
Mormon Transhumanist Association - Public Group
The Mormon Transhumanist Association is the world’s largest advocacy network for ethical use of technology and religion to extend human abilities.
Mormon Transitions Support Community - Closed Group
For all who are transitioning away from orthodox Mormonism, and towards either unorthodox/progressive Mormonism or post-Mormonism. The focus of Mormon Transitions is on healing and positive growth — with a particular emphasis on “trading up” (improving your life) after a faith transition.
Mormons Building Bridges - Closed Group
Dedicated to conveying love and acceptance to LGBTSSA individuals.
Single Mormon Transitions - Secret Group
Single Mormon Transitions is for singles who identify as unorthodox, progressive, post, and ex-Mormon.
TransActive LDS Support Group - Public Group
A faith affirming group to help Transgender/Intersex/Gender Dysphoria individuals and their family members find their path in the Mormon church.
A Deeper Understanding of LDS History (An Open Discussion) - Closed Group
In this group we will deal with difficult questions that have bothered us about our church history & doctrine. You are invited to participate and be respectful.They prefer active members of the Church who are trying to understand to maintain their membership.
Affirmation - LGBT Mormons, Families, and Friends - Public Group
Supporting LGBT Mormons, their families, friends, and church leaders by encouraging spirituality, providing community, and working for inclusiveness.
The Ancient Temple: An LDS Perspective - Public Group
This is a group to discuss the ancient nature of the Temple, while keeping the content sacred. This is not a place for criticism or revealing sacred ordinances, but to discuss the rites, beliefs and rituals of the ancient Temple.
Asexual/Aromantic Umbrella Mormons - Closed Group
A group for people in the Mormon community who fall somewhere in the asexual/aromantic umbrella and their allies.
Faces of USGA Community - Public Group
Understanding Same Gender Attraction – BYU’s unofficial group of LGBTQ/SSA students and allies.
Mormon Mixed-Faith Marriages - Secret Group
This is an invitation page into a much larger secret group about mixed faith marriages that is dedicated to strengthening our relationships and creating a positive space for healing and growth. If you’re LDS and looking for ideas and support on making your marriage work, please come join us!
Mormon Stories Podcast - Public Group
Facebook group that goes with the Mormon Stories podcast.
Mormon Stories Sunday School Discussion - Closed Group
This group will play an active role in contributing to content for the Mormon Sunday School podcast. Each week there will be threads for questions and comments that will be addressed on the podcast itself, with or without attribution.This group is also a place for authentic discussion about scripture and gospel topics. A range of perspectives is welcome, but the tone must remain respectful and constructive. The podcast itself presupposes a faithful, believing, but also honest and responsible approach to Mormonism. Thus the motto of the podcast and group–challenge and be challenged by the scriptures.
Mormon Stories Podcast Community - Closed Group
Mormon Stories is a community of support that seeks to help people constructively navigate the waters of uncorrelated Mormonism. We strive to build a safe bridge between tradition and belief and uncorrelated belief or non-belief. We attempt to create a respectful, safe place for believers and non-believers alike. While we absolutely validate the essential role of anger and mourning in the process of losing a traditional LDS testimony, we also recognize that there are already many places on the internet that facilitate anger and venting. While we support these places and help direct people to them, we feel strongly that in order for Mormon Stories to be a safe bridge between traditional belief and uncorrelated or non-belief we must strive to make Mormon Stories safe for believers and non-believers alike.
Mama Dragons - Closed Group
Mama Dragons is a space of support for women navigating the waters of LGBTQ issues within their family or community. We strive to make this space free of judgment between members.
MoFems Higher Education Community - Closed Group
This is a place to vent about school related frustrations, brag about a job well done.. and well.. for people trying to remember how to write research papers to ask a few dumb questions. It is also for those who are trying to get into school to find support, and for those who have been through it all and understand.
Mormon Women Stand 4 All - Public Group
Mormon Women Stand 4 All is a community of Mormon women and allies who wish to engage in discussions about how to actively live the love Christ showed and taught, and empower Mormon women to do the same.
New Order Mormon - Closed Group
New Order Mormons are people who are Mormons who acknowledge a vast spectrum of belief and activity within Mormonism. New Order Mormons are interested in a healthy public dialogue about contemporary issues, history and Mormon heritage.
Thoughtful Mormon/LDS Singles - Closed Group
For single Mormon/LDS people who consider themselves progressive or unorthodox and are looking to meet other like-minded single people. This group is geared toward the “younger” singles but older singles are welcome too.
USGA at BYU - Public Group
USGA Community - Closed Group
This group is closed, so anyone can see that you are a member of the group, but only group members can see what happens in the group. This group is for all current and former USGA members.
Waters of Mormon - Closed Group
We are a community of Latter-day Saints who, after learning the many challenges in our history and doctrine, seek to remain meaningfully engaged in our faith community. We do so by embracing what Alma described in Mosiah 18: We seek to lift each other’s burdens that they may be light, mourn with those who mourn, and comfort those standing in need of comfort. We seek to reclaim the spiritual unity we have found at the Waters of Mormon by embracing together in community, a thoughtful, loving faith.
USGA manages 4 Facebook presences: the public USGA at BYU and Faces of USGA pages, a private USGA Community group open to USGA members, former members, and individuals in the broader USGA community, and a secret USGA group specific to each school year for active, participating members of USGA.
Young Mormon Feminists - Closed Group
Facebook group that goes along with the Young Mormon Feminists blog.