This is how many exploring, unorthodox, and post-mormons may view orthodox Mormons.
This section only includes official (church-approved) material that aligns with what a member would hear at church, General Conference or from official church manuals.
This member relies on the official church manuals, Ensign articles and official church statements for their knowledge of church history and theology. They may not be aware or understand what correlation means or the history of how it developed and affected the church narrative and materials. They trust the church implicitly and accept and believe their personal revelation should (and will if they are receiving true spiritual confirmation) confirm what’s coming from the Prophets and Apostles. The orthodox member views the church as the one true and living church, and believes God fully directs and guides the church leaders. That Prophets may make mistakes in their personal life, but don’t make mistakes when acting in their leadership role, as God’s mouthpiece (because God would not allow them to lead the church astray).
The orthodox member understands the development of the church's history, truth claims and narratives regarding the timing, process and formation of revelation as was taught them at church or General Conference. They may have been born in the church and heard the narratives and historical stories growing up. They may also have been converts and relied completely on the missionaries and other orthodox members when learning this information. This member has often faithfully served in various callings, served a mission or been married in the temple. They are fully active and committed to the church. If the church publically expresses a stance on something political, they strive to accept and embrace it, even if it is difficult to do so.
They may/may not view the members that begin to explore unofficial church history as entering into dangerous territory and would suggest and advise them to avoid anything that may look "anti-Mormon". If someone expresses doubt, concern or questions they often react by bearing testimony, encouraging more faithfulness, scripture study and prayer. They believe and advise that God will sort it out and that trust and obedience to the church (and leaders) is paramount. They may/may not be willing to read, listen or discuss a person’s doubts, in any real depth, as it can be frightening or threatening. They may/may not be aware of the information being shared, but don’t want to learn more about it if they fear it has the potential to cause doubt. They accept and believe the “milk before meat” explanation.
They may/may not view the unorthodox member and things like Sunstone, Dialogue, Ordain Women, LGBT support and Mormon Feminists as liberal, not as committed or faithful and mistaken in many of their views and perspectives. They may/may not feel it is appropriate to try and effect change from within the church. Their perspective is that when (and if) God wants something to change within the church, he will direct the LDS church leadership to do that and it will happen. Until then they advise patience and trust that God is indeed running the church.
They may/may not view discussing doubts, concerns, past leader's mistakes and messy church historical stuff (on FB, in blogs and publicly) as appropriate and feel those should be private matters. They may believe those types of conversations should happen between the member and their leaders as they may result in embarrassment for the church.
They may/may not assume that doubt is due to sin, and may have difficulty listening to those who are doubting. They may reject the reasons given to them about why the person no longer believes, and doubt the veracity of any information that might be shared with them.
They feel sorrow and sadness for those that have left the church and believe their lives will not be as happy or fulfilled. They struggle immensely to stay connected to those that have left because of discomfort and belief that they have been deceived, lost and let go of the iron rod. Those views dominate their feelings and interactions with others and this makes mixed faith relationships and friendships extremely challenging.